WCAC has a lot to offer our children. Our Sunday programs cater to children of all ages! During the three morning services, children can be dropped off downstairs in the church basement where they will learn about God through Bible stories, singing, and games!








A place for parents with children under 3. We encourage parents to stay with their children during the service. Don’t think that you would be missing out of the service, as both of our nurseries are located upstairs and are fully equipped with sound so that you are able to hear the service and your child is able to roam.





Here children are beginning to put together a foundation of Faith by learning about God through stories, activities, and play.




Grades 1-5 

We have 2 classes in this group, grades 1-2 and grades 3-5. Children meet together to learn about God and build a foundation of Faith and knowledge of Bible basics. Through different lessons and activities, children discover God and learn more about Him.

1-5 年級
