Youth Group 


As a group, we meet twice a week – on Sundays and on Fridays. Our Sunday mornings focus on teaching us more about God and diving deeper into our relationship with Christ. On Friday nights we meet at the church to do life together. It looks different every week. Some weeks we study the Bible and some weeks we just have fun. 



Sunday Mornings

After the 9:30 am worship service, our youth join together in the church basement to continue building their Faith Foundation through lessons and discussions. Youth Sunday School class starts at 11:15 a.m.


上午9:30崇拜後,青少年們一起在教會的地下室裡,通過課程和討論來繼續建立他們的信仰基礎。 上午 11 點 15 分開始主日學。

Friday Nights

Our Youth Group meets Friday nights at 7:30 pm in the church basement. If you are in grades 6-12, come to join us for lots of wacky fun as we journey together to discover God.

